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20 years of APSW

APSW is my Python SQLite wrapper that glues together the Python C API and the SQLite C API, so you can use SQLite from Python.

It has now been 20 years since I first released APSW! That means time for a retrospective.


In 2003 I got a new cell phone back when they were very small screens and physical keyboards of only the numbers. Trying to maintain contacts and other information was painful so I ended up creating BitPim which did all the work over a USB cable. It was implemented in Python using wxPython for the GUI.

Behind the scenes it needed to store information about contacts, calendars etc so I used the most expedient format possible - a Python dictionary (keys and values). It wasn't very large (many phones had limits of 100 contacts and calendar events).

It was trivial to read and write the dictionary to disk as is, and substantially similar to JSON. That also made it easy to edit, backup, compare etc outside of BitPim. But two things annoyed me...

1. You did manual save and load from the menus. That was completely normal for programs of the time, where the user was expected to manage the movement of data storage between permanent (ie still present after power events and reboots) and transient (ie in the memory of the process only). This sort of thing should be automatic, and thankfully is the majority of time these days.

2. I wanted undo and redo, but not just the simple approach commonly taken. I wanted to see what the data looked like at any point in time, a simple example being to see what a contact's phone number was 7 months ago. No information should ever be lost or deleted, and you should easily be able to recover older values.

It was getting later in 2004 and I had to solve this. The solution was obviously structured data, which meant a database.

Storage Options

The various networked databases were not an option. They were large and feature full, required complex configuration including administrators, users, and permissions, and dwarfed the size of BitPim. Installation instructions would be a nightmare especially since BitPim is cross platform and easy to install and run.

There were a family of local key value stores generally called dbm, which in theory could work, but would involve creating my own layer on top to structure and version data, execute queries, and similar work. In addition dbm often weren't available on Windows.


The first release of SQLite in late 2000 had used dbm as the storage backend and added a layer of SQL on top. SQLite was intended as a developer alternative when the "real" database wasn't available. SQLite 2 released a year later dropped dbm for a custom btree storage engine. SQLite 1 and 2 only stored strings behind the scenes. (The hard part of storage is getting transactions right.)

In mid 2004 SQLite 3 was released and was a real local database, having learned the lessons from SQLite 2. It included:

  • More effective file format
  • Unicode strings
  • Typed storage in the backend (ie not just strings), including binary objects
  • Bound parameters
  • Better transaction locking model
  • Collations
  • 64 bit rowids
  • More advanced query optimisation
  • Improvements in SQL compliance, error reporting etc

This was the obvious perfect fit for BitPim storage.


The existing Python binding to SQLite was named pysqlite. It had supported the earlier SQLite versions and upgraded to SQLite 3. (It was eventually adopted as the standard library sqlite3 module.) I started using it in BitPim, but quickly encountered several issues.


DBAPI / PEP249 defines a standard abstraction for accessing databases from Python, which does map well onto the common networked databases. It does not map well onto SQLite, so pysqlite had to resort to parsing SQL text to manage transactions. The exceptions didn't map well to SQLite's errors. I felt like I was fighting it just trying to do normal SQLite things, and had no interest in other databases.


Unicode strings had been a new feature in Python 2 and SQLite 3, and pysqlite mostly got them right, there were a few places that were not, and doing so could cause backwards compatibility problems.


SQLite at that time could not be used across threads. Because BitPim had a GUI it meant the main thread was used for the GUI, and work was done in background threads. Even if you are diligent, destructors can run in any thread. It was important to me that cross thread usage was caught and became an error, and not silently ignored.


The cursor was not an iterator so you couldn't use for row in cursor.execute('...') which was Pythonic. I added an iterator wrapper but it made the cursor a lot slower.

An annoyance (that still persists) is you could only execute one statement at a time. Multiple semi-colon separated statements in a query string gives an error.

Tracing and debugging

There was no support for tracing queries or returned rows. This is important during development.

Because SQLite does all its work in C, it is highly desirable to see what Python values it is working with especially when errors occur. You got no clue.

Error handling

Both SQLite and Python have error indicators. SQLite uses an integer code and error string, while Python uses a thread local pending exception. If a callback had an exception then all you got was an exception with the message user-defined function raised exception which was not useful. (Which function? What exception?) Even today all you get is this.

I'll write my own

It was apparent that many of these issues would not be addressed ever (DBAPI compliance was important), or could be done in the timeline I needed for BitPim. Since BitPim would only ever use SQLite, there was absolutely no need for abstractions, and I wanted to have every feature of SQLite available to me.

Naming things

At the time it looked there would be many SQLite wrappers, especially as some supported SQLite 2. I wanted an alternative that did things the SQLite way, and imaginatively came up with Another Python SQLite Wrapper, expecting it to be one of many. It ended up being one of two.


I recall it taking about a month to code up the first release. That involved mapping between the SQLite C API and the Python C API. An early decision I made was that the module would only be C code. Even today sqlite3 is split between Python code and C code.

Back then it would have meant potential deployment problems having to keep the Python files and compiled C extension in sync. By having only one output file that was not a problem that could occur.

It was then a matter of supporting SQLite versions and Python versions. It was only in January 2022 that I removed support for Python 2.3 which was the version current in 2004 when the project started!

Today APSW does consist of both Python code and compiled C code, and being out of sync is not an issue.


It was a simple matter to switch BitPim from dictionaries on disk to dictionaries from SQLite. I was delighted to add undo and data version history so that data would never be lost from that point on.


I didn't know it at the time, but some principles ended up happening over the years.


It is easy and often a good idea to use third party packages for functionality you need. PyPI has 600 thousand packages covering almost anything you can think of. When APSW started the ecosystem was a lot less mature, and depending on third party packages was a lot more difficult.

To this day APSW has no runtime third party packages, and for compilation and documentation uses the de facto Python standards, described below. The standard library is used.

Overall that was the right decision because it means I am responsible for every line of code, which means I can ensure the appropriate levels of testing, documentation, and interoperability.

Version Churn

SQLite kept updating, and Python kept updating. To make best use of SQLite I decided to keep up with updates, and eventually decided that everything you could do from C you should be able to do from Python. After all SQLite was adding things for a reason. I also decided to have APSW match the corresponding version of SQLite - ie you wouldn't be able to use an old version of SQLite with a new version of APSW. To do so would hugely increase the combinations of testing needed. However you can use new SQLite with old version of APSW just fine.

For 17 years I added support for each new version of Python, and never dropped any. Python used to have what felt like an arbitrary release schedule, with the 3.8 release in October 2019 finally bringing it on to a predictable annual schedule. It was also increasingly difficult to support the older versions, and unnecessary because modern practice is not to support end of life software.

I did try to keep breaking changes to code using APSW to a minimum. Other than corners of error handling, I believe there has been no change causing user code churn.


I haver a fair amount of tooling code. This is to reduce manual maintenance such as keeping code and documentation in step, source code checking such as checking that Connections, Cursors, blobs etc are all verified to be open before functions operate on them, getting an API list from the SQLite website to verify all APIs and constants are used, and even spelling checking where mis-spellings are added whenever they are found. All of the tooling is full of assertions and errors on any uncertainty.

This has turned out excellent for project maintenance because it avoids even minor oversights.

Source Code Control

I originally hosted everything on my web site, and used CVS for version control. Then things moved to SourceForge with Subversion source control. Then it was Google Code hosting with Mercurial source control. The final move was GitHub and git source control.

Despite all those transitions, full fidelity of the the source changes is available back to April 2006. The changelog goes all the way back to the beginning.


The documentation was originally hand written HTML. It worked but meant there was no way to programmatically ensure it was complete and up to date. I was an early adopter of Sphinx which has been fantastic.

Behind the scenes I have comments in C source that are extracted to make documentation and help text, tools to check the entire SQLite API is wrapped, tools to help with type annotations in the doc, and several other doc related scripts.


When I started the Python standard library included distutils which could be used for both compiled code and pure Python packages. The Python Packaging Authority now maintains a descendent for compiled code named setuptools which still works well for the purpose.

Perhaps the best thing they do is cibuildwheel which is able to compile and test the code under the supported Python versions, operating systems, chip architectures, and ABIs (eg musl vs glibc on Linux). It produces 50 different builds making it trivial for anyone with any of those combinations to install APSW.


For a few months I had a Python file that run exercising each of the APIs. I quickly moved to the standard library unittest and still use that (many third party frameworks have come and gone).

Very little of the testing code is about things that work, as both SQLite and Python fundamentally work and are themselves tested. The vast majority is API boundaries, and errors and exceptions. It gets especially gnarly because multiple exceptions can occur inside the top level call into SQLite (eg VFS error recovery, finalizers, callbacks). For Python 2 support I was stuck with unraisable errors, while, while Python 3 added chained exceptions.

I used coverage analysis of both Python and C code to make sure all the error/exception conditions were caused. That wasn't sufficient because there are functions such as allocating small amounts of memory, Python objects, or operations like appending to a list that are practically impossible to make fail. I used to have to wrap each location in a macro so that I could cause failure on demand, but that was tedious. It also meant the code didn't look normal, and was obfuscated for editors and analyzers.

Finally statement expressions came to the rescue, where I could macroize calls without having to do something manual in each location. The statement expression would query if that location (file, line, arg list) should fail and how, allowing my harness to then iterate through all failure locations. There are almost two thousand locations. This gets combined with a debug build of Python that does far more assertions and error checking to catch code issues - the most likely being calling into the Python C API while an exception is pending.

Because C code is involved, that means memory issues. I used valgrind to check everything was good. Its cachegrind mode is used for detailed profiling. Sanitizers significantly improved the testing because they saw the C level source code and so better catch issues - valgrind interprets the executable and so has to deduce what is going on.

Overall adding error handling to the code, and the corresponding testing is the vast majority of any code changes - usually three times as much as the actual normal code path. The good news is this gives a lot of assurance errors are handled well, even though most users are unlikely to ever encounter them!

A release test today involves:

  • Running my checking tools that looks for code issues, missing SQLite APIs etc
  • Running coverage to check all lines of C and Python (including the test suite itself) are run by testing
  • 32 and 64 bit build and test of all supported Python versions on Windows, because it is most likely to have differences
  • Megatest of all these permutations under Linux
    • 32 and 64 bit
    • Every supported Python version
    • All supported SQLite versions
    • Python in regular build, and in debug, assertions, all warnings build
    • APSW in regular and debug build (including SQLite debug/assertions configuration)
    • Default APSW SQLite configuration (everything on), and Debian default SQLite configuration (only some things on)
  • The Github actions build then also tests the build on each operating system and configuration

It is very rare for the tests to catch any problems, and is delightful when they do.

Python code

For the longest time APSW was almost 100% C code. It was just gluing together the C APIs. Several years ago I realised that users were trying to do higher level things, and it was preferable to go beyond documentation, and also add that as a standard part of APSW.

I'm very pleased that best practices has been popular - almost all queries and code shows it being used.

The ext module is a nice collection of things. My favourite is three lines of code turns any Python function with positional and keyword arguments into a virtual table.


The video below shows how the source tree has changed over time. It is often the same set of files for each release, updating C code, Python test code, tools, and documentation.

Lines of code is a silly metric, like weighing art, but is correlated with functionality, complexity, effort etc. Here are some comparisons between early 2006 when APSW was functionally complete, and the end of 2024 when it is very complete.

Kind 2006 2024
C source files 1 20
Lines of C source 2,461 15,901
Python files (tools, tests, everything) 3 41
Lines of Python 764 19,486
Lines in main test 652 8,800
All test code 652 11,992
Documentation files 1 27
Lines of documentation 1,200 10,400
Makefile targets 5 46

Popularity Contest

So just how popular is APSW?

There are 750 stars on GitHub putting it around position 45 thousand.

APSW is available packaged in most Linux, BSD, and even termux (Android).

From PyPI there are a million monthly downloads which puts it in the two thousands of all PyPI projects.

Final words

I've seen it said that project maintenance is a lot like gardening. You need to do occasional weeding and pruning, spruce things up, and generally just keep your hand in. I agree.

It has kept me up to date on Python's C API as well as Python library (I'm a fan of dataclasses). SQLite's changes (click the right column) have also been interesting, and I'm glad I did the work to wrap extensions like FTS5.

The long list of differences to the standard module shows the work continues to be worth doing.

Category: misc – Tags: python, apsw, sqlite

SQLite Full Text Search added to APSW

TLDR: APSW now has comprehensive support for SQLite Full Text Search.

SQLite has a nice full text search search implementation named FTS5. (Yes the older FTS3 and 4 also exist.)

Full text search engines are in theory fairly simple - break content into terms (typically words), index where in the content the terms exist, reply to a query's terms by consulting that index. Add in a way of ranking the results typically by how rare each term is overall, and how well represented it is in an item of content. (The 5 decade old BM25 can do that.) Make the query language a bit more complex so you have AND, OR, and NOT. Perhaps a NEAR and a way of including or excluding columns.

FTS5 does all that very well, and is fast. It offers a C API for writing your own tokenizers (converting content in terms/words), and for writing your own auxiliary functions such as for ranking or showing highlights. Several months ago I decided to wrap those APIs in APSW figuring it would take a few weeks at most. (C code requires lots of testing.) It did of course take several months, but the result is something I am very proud of.

The tokenizer API is a little confusing. It is how object oriented C is done where you have structures of methods, passing this as the first parameter. I did get confused over what were the analogues to classes and instances, and had to revise my first implementation.

The FTS5 tokenizer is based on Unicode 6.1 (2012) and stays that way for stability. We are now in version 16 with there being annual updates. Python has the unicodedata module which is more up to date, so I implemented a tokenizer using that as the data source.

I soon discovered that it wasn't really workable for two reasons. The first is that splitting text into words by whitespace doesn't work. Some popular languages like Chinese and Japanese don't use spaces, some use spaces between syllables, some use other schemes, and even English gets complicated when you have punctuation - is don't one or two words? What about run-down?

The second is that operating on each codepoint separately breaks apart what are single user perceived characters (aka grapheme clusters). You can have a codepoint and one or more combining accents and marks. It was especially noticeable with emoji where 🤦🏼‍♂️ is actually 5 different codepoints.

That led me to Unicode Technical Report #29 all about text segmentation. It tells you how to correctly break text into grapheme clusters, words, and sentences. The FTS5 snippet function tries to determine sentences behind the scenes, so all 3 would be useful. I also have a function to format query tables that needs to break text into lines. For example in English you don't want to break between a word and a comma immediately following it, but rather after the comma. Unicode Technical Report #14 line breaking algorithm addresses that. There were no practical Python libraries implementing all of these, so I went off joining the very small club who had implemented all of TR29 & 14.

With that lengthy diversion over I was able to implement a UnicodeWords tokenizer. It performs really well no matter language, punctuation, and (lack of) whitespace. Just kidding - I had yet another diversion. I needed Unicode information, way beyond what is in the unicodedata module. For example I needed to handle extended pictographic (emoji and similar) correctly. I needed to be able to strip accents, diacritics, and combining marks. To get my formatted query tables correctly aligned on the terminal I needed width information. And it bugged me that unicodedata lags the Unicode standard by years. I stay up to date with SQLite, so why shouldn't I stay up to date with Unicode. That resulted in apsw.unicode and now UnicodeWords does well.

Then it was off to wrap the auxiliary function API. That was straightforward, although it has a lot of terminology, with my feedback resulting in the overview being added.

At this point all the pieces were in place for anyone to use APSW to get the most out of FTS5 from Python. But you had to build everything yourself. I would have to document how you do things like stop words, stemming, or synonyms. They are only in the region of 10 lines of code which was confirmation that the API was good, and easier to to just go ahead and implement.

The builtin trigram tokenizer was not aware of grapheme clusters, so I also had to add an ngram tokenizer. (It irritates me how some sites require typing 3 characters before they do completions, so I made sure any value can be used.) I also ended up adding library code to deal with argument parsing that all the tokenizers needed. And one to deal with stripping accents and case folding for any other tokenizer so the functionality didn't have to be built in to each individually.

The SQLite website's own search uses its HTML documentation as what is fed to FTS5. There is no provided HTML tokenizer, and I saw several questions on the forum about indexing HTML content. Python has an HTML parser so I used that for the parsing, but it was also important to track the offsets in UTF8 of the source document to the tokens. This gets fun with entity and character references where there is no one to one mapping of offsets. That led to more C code to manage offset mapping, as pure Python code was too slow. Some people on the forum also wanted JSON tokenizers so I made one of those too.

I wanted a Python class to wrap a FTS5 table, especially so you could call methods and access properties rather than constructing SQL. It become necessary to parse the SQL making up the virtual table declaration such as getting column names and the various options. That required parsing code, especially as there are many ways quoting can be done. The tokenize argument is a quoted string containing quoted strings, so it gets hairy. (Far more quoting options work than the documentation says.)

I also wanted functionality to do query suggestion - if you make a spelling mistake in a query then it should suggest a better alternative. Even spelling something correctly could be a rare spelling and something more popular is appropriate. To implement that required being able to parse and manipulate (and create) queries. That required dealing with the finer points of the FTS5 query grammar, implicit AND, and should you have a PHRASES type (answer: no). It was then possible using the token information to implement query suggestion, which was fantastic to then use.

I had one remaining item on my wish list - more_like where given some existing rows, you can come up with additional ones that are like those. This makes it easy to implement infinite scrolling - just more_like what you have already shown each time. It was also great when testing on a large recipe database - given ingredients from one recipe it would suggest similar ones.

The query suggestion and more like are purely statistical - they have no understanding of meaning such as jogger being similar to runner. But they still work well enough. Solutions that do have that understanding require you to start measuring in gigabytes which going against the Lite part of SQLite.

I also had to write documentation, with a lot of things to cover. The final result when printed would be about 50 pages. Various reading time tools estimate about 50 minutes to read. I had to read it all multiple times for proofreading and editing.

Now that all is done I'll provide some statistics. Measuring lines of code is somewhat meaningful as being correlated with development time, complexity, number of bugs, testing effort etc. It is also as silly as measuring a painting by weight. Items marked 🆕 are what I had to write as described above, while the others provide context.

Lines of code Description
2,100 🆕Python test code for FTS5 and Unicode functionality
8,400 Python test code for everything else
1,100 🆕C code to glue FTS5 API to Python C API
1,200 C code to glue SQLite prepared statements and execution to Python C API
1,750 C code to glue SQLite virtual tables to Python C API
2,000 🆕C code to implement TR29 text segmentation, TR14 line breaking, case folding, accent stripping, UTF8 to str offset mapping, and various related functionality
2,250 C code to SQLite virtual file system (VFS) to Python C API
1,100 🆕Python code to provide API to unicode functionality, text wrapping, and similar, plus command line tool
860 🆕Python code for wrapping FTS5 table, all the tokenizers, argument parsing, and a command line tool.
1,200 🆕Python tooling code to download and parse Unicode data files and build the tables in the source which aren't included above.

Category: misc – Tags: unicode, python, apsw, sqlite

A small club: Implementing Unicode TR29 and TR14

I recently implemented Unicode Technical Report #29 which covers how to turn "text" into "letters", words, and sentences. I also ended up implementing Technical Report #14 which covers line breaking - good places to start text on the next line when the current line is getting too long.

My guess is that less than 10 developers have fully implemented both of these, and I have now joined that very small club.

November 2024 Unicode 16.0 came out - see the end for my thoughts

How hard could it be?

Unicode aims to have one way of representing human text for computers. Before its widespread adoption, different computer systems and even programs had completely different and very incompatible ways of representing text, and it was a mess to read, write, print, copy, and backup text.

This is an extraordinarily hard problem to solve. Are upper and lower case A` the same letter? What about bold, and italic? What about rotated? Fonts? Is ß a different letter or just a different way of drawing two lower case s? Ligatures? Is a lower case e in French without an accent the same as e in English? Is Roman numeral different than i? That barely scratches the surface of Western Europe, and now throw in the whole world with a rich diversity and history of writing. Thankfully experts have been working on this for several decades.


Unicode assigned a number (codepoint) per "letter". This doesn't work because some writing systems use a base letter (eg a consonant) and then add marks on the letter (eg vowels), and having one codepoint for each combination would be a very large number.

This led to combining codepoints that could modify a base, allowing adding accents, vowels, and other marks to represent human writing,

The fateful decision

There were two possible ways of representing these values - for example letter-e and combing-acute-accent

Modifier first

combing-acute-accent then letter-e

Base first

letter-e then combing-acute-accent

If modifier first had been chosen, then each letter as perceived by a human (ie with all the modifiers applied) would be easy to determine by computer code - accumulate modifiers until you find a base. You now have one user perceived letter (aka grapheme cluster).

Base first was chosen. That means code sees a codepoint, but has to keep looking ahead to see if there are more modifiers that apply to the base. It gets way more complicated with zero width joiners, variation selectors, regional indicators, and Indic syllabic categories to name a few.

The consequences

Because of the complexity, most programming languages just pretend that each codepoint is one "letter" and takes one unit of storage, but often worse (well worth a read) conflating byte encoding, grapheme clusters, and indexing. They then require third party libraries to get words, sentences, and line breaking.

I've been adding support for SQLite's full text search to APSW (my Python SQLite wrapper) and it became very clear very quickly that doing things properly was necessary.

SQLite has a unicode61 tokenizer but it works on individual codepoints and their categories on a version of Unicode from 2012 (to remain stable, and Lite). It doesn't implement any rules for words other than whitespace and punctuation which makes it unsuitable for the languages used by billions of people. It also doesn't handle regional indicators, variation selectors, zero width joiners, some emoji etc.

There is a standard International Components for Unicode library available that deals with all the Unicode rules, text segmentation, locale specific customisation, message generation, and localization. It is available as a 5MB Python binding, to the 5MB of code and 30MB of tables making up ICU. ICU isn't installed on every platform, and when it is you have no control over the version.

The ICU solution is also impractical to distribute for cross platform libraries like APSW, so I decided to implement the rules. My final self contained library was 500kb of code and data with no platform dependencies.

Lessons learned

There are three sets of rules covering grapheme cluster, words, and sentences, and another set for line breaking.

I ended up rewriting/refactoring my code six times, learning a lot as a result.

No errors

It isn't immediately apparent, but there is no sequence of codepoints that can be considered an error. No matter how absurd a sequence is supplied, the code has to handle it, even when multiple rules apply and contradict each other.

Test data

Unicode publish test data of around 2,000 tests each for grapheme clusters, word, and sentence breaks. This isn't perfect as I had cases of bugs being present but still passing all the tests. Without those tests, there is zero chance I could have written correct code. I was often puzzling over test failures and the list of rules to work out exactly what sequence were intended to apply. I wish they would add even more test rules with longer sequences and even more combinations that hit multiple rules.

Break points

Break points turned out to be an excellent way of determining boundary locations. You do need to do an analysis step on segments - eg does it contain letters or numerals if you are looking for words.

State machines

It looks like you can do a state machine and that is what you see in the Rust implementation as well as the Python grapheme package (abandoned?). It is possible to do so for the grapheme clusters, but not word and sentence. Adding some adaptive code could perhaps work. In the end I found that you end up with far too many states (word segmentation has 25 different rules), and that rules can contradict. For example you should break after LF but not before ZWJ so what happens if they are in sequence? Adaptive code ends up having to do look ahead, and look behind (either reversing rules or adding more state).

The biggest problem with a state machine is it becomes very hard to map the code and states back to the series of rules. And as the rules get adjusted over time, it will become harder to merge the changes in.

What worked for me

  • I did my initial exploration in Python. This was far quicker to iterate, debug, update data structures etc. At the end I then converted to C for significantly improved performance, but starting in C would have taken considerably longer.

  • The code matches the rules in the same order and expressed the same way as the specification. This makes it easier to verify they match, and allows for easier changes as rules change over time. (Complex state machines make that a lot harder.)

  • Use look ahead for matching (I did briefly try look behind). You can mark your current spot, and then advance trying to match a rule on succeeding codepoints. If a rule match fails, revert back to the mark, and try the next rule. This is in theory less efficient, but in practise little real world text is like this.

  • I had to implement more Unicode tables. Some rules want information outside of that specified in the TR14/29 tables. For example the rules want to know if a codepoint is extended pictographic, or in a particular category. While some of the information may be available separately in other platform libraries, it may not be the same Unicode version.

  • The tables and rules look like they map onto enumerations. However they work far better as a bitset. Most tables fit within 32 bits, although some require 64.

    You can combine all the necessary data into the single bitset. For example the grapheme cluster rules also want to know the Indic syllabic categories which is a separate table. I could combine that information with the grapheme cluster tables in the same bitset, avoiding a separate lookup.

    Bitsets also allows code like the following:

    if char & (L | V | LV | LVT): ...


    MidNumLetQ  = (MidNumLet | Single_Quote)
    if char & MidNumLetQ: ...

    ... instead of:

    if char == L || char == V || char == LV || ...
  • The various tables end up as generated code. (Every project I looked at used a Python based tool to do that.) I put a block before each table in a comment giving statistics on how popular each value was, how many lines there were in the table, and other similar information. This made it a lot easier to get an overview - the tables have thousands of rows - and also helped verify that code changes had the expected effect.

  • It was easy to add other tables. Because I also have terminal output I could add width information, and even a table for which Unicode version a codepoint was added.


Performance matters because these are used for full text indexing, which could be hundreds of megabytes if not gigabytes of text. There is no point in doing a C Python extension unless it performs well. So here is a benchmark. The source text is the UN Declaration of Human Rights which has been translated into 300 languages. All 300 are concatenated together producing a 5.5MB file. 60 codepoints used in many of the TR14/29 tests are combined and repeatedly shuffled with the source text, and appended until there are 50 million codepoints.

For each library, how long it takes to process that text and return each segment is measured, producing a codepoints per second result. Note that this is measuring both how long it takes to find each break location, as well as how long Python takes to return that substring/segment of text.

ie more codepoints per second is better.

Benchmarking apsw.unicode         unicode version 15.1
grapheme codepoints per second:    5,122,888    segments:  49,155,642
    word codepoints per second:   13,953,370    segments:   9,834,540
sentence codepoints per second:   93,699,093    segments:     909,603
    line codepoints per second:   16,840,718    segments:   9,548,987

Benchmarking uniseg               unicode version 15.0.0
grapheme codepoints per second:      567,514    segments:  49,149,753
    word codepoints per second:      570,943    segments:  23,617,670
sentence        EXCEPTION KeyError('OTHER')
    line codepoints per second:      528,677    segments:   9,545,722

Benchmarking grapheme             unicode version 13.0.0
grapheme codepoints per second:    1,777,689    segments:  49,163,151

Benchmarking pyicu                unicode version 15.1
grapheme codepoints per second:    3,778,235    segments:  49,155,642
    word codepoints per second:    8,375,000    segments:  20,050,729
sentence codepoints per second:   98,976,577    segments:     910,041
    line codepoints per second:   15,864,217    segments:   9,531,173

Here are the size measurements adding together Python bytecode and any stripped shared libraries.

 32kb    grapheme
144kb    uniseg
600kb    apsw.unicode (can be 200kb smaller)
 40mb    pyicu

Table unrolling

The tables end up with each row containing three integer fields:

  • Start codepoint
  • End codepoint
  • Category

Everybody stores them sorted, and then uses a binary search to find the row matching a codepoint. There are 2 to 4 thousand rows in each table meaning up to 12 comparisons are needed to find a particular row, which is negligible to a CPU.

The contents of the tables are known at compile time, and do not change. That led me to thinking that instead of generating tables, I could generate the comparisons instead. (This is similar to loop unrolling).

The resulting compiled code turned out to be smaller than the corresponding data tables, so I went with that. (It is even branch predictor friendly which tables are not.) The densest compilation results in code about 60% the size of tables, while 16 byte aligned is around 95% (but with lots of padding nops).

msvc defaults to densest and shaves 200kb off the binary size, while clang and gcc both do alignment. Examining the assembly code showed that it matched the comparisons.

Unicode 16 update

Unicode 16 came out in September, and I eagerly updated to it. The updates to codepoint tables were all easily handled. There were no rule changes to TR29 segmentation, and all tests passed.

TR14 line breaking did have rule changes which were fairly painful to implement in my C code. The compile test debug cycle is far slower and less ergonomic than almost anything else. The code is analogous to implementing regular expressions by hand while doing lookahead and backtracking, and you often need to figure out what particular rules did match but shouldn't have, or vice versa.

That leads me to one big lesson learned/suggestion for anyone else implementing the TR14 & TR29 rules:

Do not write code directly - always use an intermediate
representation that you generate code from, or interpret directly at

It will make the development process a lot more pleasant, but also
allows tailoring the rules for different locales.

I should have realised this originally, but my Python implementation was productive. The Unicode consortium developers figured that out, and this is used for the C/Java library, while this is used for the Rust library. I am amused that they use a completely different syntax.

Category: misc – Tags: unicode, python, apsw

Python 3 C extension experience update

APSW is my Python wrapper for SQLite's C interface gluing it to Pythons C interface.

Looking back

It has been two years since I ended Python 2 and early Python 3 support. While I was proud that you could continue to use any Python version of the previous two decades with corresponding SQLite versions and have your code continue to work without maintenance, it isn't how modern software development works.

Components interact with other components, which in turn do the same. There are many additional tools such as build systems, test systems, documentation generation, and cloud based full scale system integration verification. It is practically impossible to make all versions of all the things work with all the other versions of the other things, even if my little corner did.

I ended up with a simple end of life policy - I do one more release after a particular Python version goes end of life. That means APSW will not be the weak link.


Only supporting modern Python versions let me delete a bunch of C and Python code, and some documentation. Non developers may not realise it, but one of the great joys of being a developer is when you get to delete stuff. That frees up brain space for better things. The last things removed were some documentation saying that strings are Unicode (a legacy of Python 2), and removing the u prefix from some strings (like u"hello world") for the same reason. It felt good.

I could also take advantage of dataclasses in Python code and FASTCALL in C code. This week I greatly appreciated the walrus operator in some new code. I even had problems in some example code that needed Python to consume a noticeable amount of CPU time, but performance enhancements made that more difficult!

Most important code

If you change code for the better, there is always a probability you will have broken something else without realising it. This is why developers are wary of changing code, instead adding more, or copying and pasting.

That makes the tests the most important code by far. APSW's test code is a similar size to the C code, and tries to exercise all possible routes through the C. In addition to checking everything works, far more effort is expended on doing everything wrong, and ensuring that all combinations of problems that could happen do happen.

That thoroughness of the test code is what made it possible to reduce and improve the code base. It would have been essentially impossible otherwise.

When a new API is added to SQLite, my rough estimates on effort are:

  • 5% - Calling the API
  • 15% - Adding error handling, especially all the things that could go wrong. More on this below.
  • 5% - Updating documentation
  • 75% - Updating the test suite, exercising all the paths, running under all the validation tools and analyzers

Most important code, part 2

It may not seem like much, but most of the start of C functions looks like this:

/** .. method:: __init__(filename: str,
                         flags: int = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE,
                         vfs: Optional[str] = None,
                         statementcachesize: int = 100)

Opens the named database ...

Of course that isn't code - it is a comment before the actual C code. It serves many duties.

I use Sphinx for documentation, and that text ends up in the documentation in restructured text format.
All Python objects have documentation, easily done in Python code. For C implemented objects the text has to be available to the C compiler, so the text is extracted and available in a header file processed to keep within C syntax.
Text signature
C objects can have a __text_signature__ used by inspect which is in yet another format with dollar signs and no return types. This StackOverflow answer has some more details.
Argument parsing
The str and int and default values are all relevant when you need C values to call into SQLite (const char *, and int or long long respectively). I used to use PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords which takes a format string with many Python extras, and escapes for your own conversions. Because the format string could disagree with the documented string, I have a tool that converts the comment into the correct defaults and formats. When I adopted FASTCALL it was then a simple matter of generating code to do the parsing directly. It also meant I can produce far better clearer error messages. (There is a Python internal use tool that is similar.)
Type stubs
For Python code implemented in C, you can provide type stubs which are Python syntax for those C implemented items. I discovered that Visual Studio Code would display any docsrings included with the typing information, so the APSW type stubs include that too. When editing Python code, you can't tell that APSW is implemented in C.

That is a lot of heavy lifting for some "code".

MVP tool: cvise

cvise is a tool that takes a C file known to cause a problem, and reduces the size while verifying it still causes the problem.

While reworking the code base, I could easily detect problems. There are many places where C code calls Python which calls C code which calls Python, with the flow going through CPython's internals, APSW's code, and SQLite's code. All 3 projects have copious amounts of assertion checking so it is easy to detect something has happened that shouldn't.

I'd be able to cause problems using my 10,000 line test suite, but to narrow down and understand it you want a lot less, ideally less than 10 lines. Trying to do so manually is tedious and time consuming, and often the actual nature of the problem is different than you think it is.

cvise takes a --not-c flag, so I could feed it my test suite, which would rapidly hack it down to just enough to still reproduce the problem. It was always surprising and delightful, because doing that manually is very tedious.

CPython API

There has been a lot of work behind the scenes to clean up the APIs. I ended up with backport code to make newer apis available on older supported Pythons.

My favourite has been Py_NewRef which let many places go from two lines of code to one, and is also easy to search for.


This was the most impactful. Vectorcall is the faster way of making calls, and fastcall is the faster way of receiving calls. Traditionally calling from C code required building a tuple for positional arguments and a dictionary for keyword arguments.

// Old style - convenient but slow making a Python tuple
PyObject_Call(object, "lssL", updatetype, databasename, tablename, rowid);

// New style - directly put arguments in a C array
PyObject *vargs[] = {NULL,
if (vargs[1] && vargs[2] && vargs[3] && vargs[4])
  PyObject_Vectorcall(object, vargs + 1, 4 | PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET, NULL);

The PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET magic allows that first NULL element to be used by Python's internal machinery instead of having to allocate a new array. Python will automatically create a new tuple if the receiving C code does things the old way.

I was curious what the benefits are on the receiving end and made a project that did benchmarking, as well as answering some related questions. It took 22 time units to receive the new style, and 158 to do it the old way - 7 times slower! With each Python release the former has been getting quicker and the latter slower.

Error handling

Writing code in Python is delightful. You don't have to worry about errors, and in the rare circumstances they happen, your program is stopped with an exception. You can add code at whatever level of the call hierarchy is most relevant if you want code to handle future occurrences.

In C code it is a totally different matter. Different APIs return error information in different ways. Errors have to be handled immediately. As an example, here is the code to get SQLite's compilation options in a Python list of strings - a total of 4 lines of code.

PyObject *list = PyList_New(0);
for(int i=0; sqlite3_compileoption_get(i); i++)
  PyList_Append(list, PyUnicode_FromString(sqlite3_compileoption_get(i)));
return list;

Now lets add error checking, and it has grown from 4 to 14 lines.

PyObject *list = PyList_New(0);
if(!list) // error indicated by NULL return
    return NULL;
for(int i=0; sqlite3_compileoption_get(i); i++)
    PyObject *option = PyUnicode_FromString(sqlite3_compileoption_get(i));
    if(!option) // error indicated by NULL return
        return NULL;
    int append = PyList_Append(list, option);
    Py_DECREF(option);  // list took a reference or failed
    if(append == -1) // error indicated by -1 return, or non-zero?
        return NULL;
return list;

Lots of repeated cleanups in error handling, so we resort to goto. It is the same number of lines of code, but a more useful pattern for more complex code when there are far more items needing cleanup.

PyObject *option = NULL, *list = PyList_New(0);
    goto error;
for(int i=0; sqlite3_compileoption_get(i); i++)
    option = PyUnicode_FromString(sqlite3_compileoption_get(i));
        goto error;
    int append = PyList_Append(list, option);
    if(append == -1)
        goto error;
return list;

return NULL;

Note how doing error handling in C triples the code size, and this is calling one simple API. I estimate that around 75% of the C code in APSW is error handling. Here are the top 10 goto label names illustrating the point:

  • 157 finally
  • 75 error
  • 57 pyexception
  • 39 fail
  • 18 param_error
  • 11 end
  • 8 errorexit
  • 5 error_return
  • 3 success
  • 3 out_of_range

It gets worse

Looking back at the code above, the reason for failures would be running out of memory. Do you know how often those specific lines of code will be the ones that run out of memory?


That's right - as a developer I had to write 3 times as much code as necessary, to handle conditions that will never happen in the real world.

The computers running this code also had to do all that extra checking for conditions that never happen. Your computer is doing that for all the software it is running - what a waste.

... and worse

Not only did I write all that extra code, I can't even make it fail, nor could you. A lot of code is shipped without it ever having been run by the developers, nor does it get run in production. If it ever did run there is no certainty it would do the right thing.

And this was a trivial example.

My reaction

There are however adversaries who are very good at at making things happen. Virtually every security issue you hear about it is because they have figured out the weakest bits of software, and how to tickle things just right so that kind of code does get executed.

The consequences of error handling not being done correctly are one or more of:

  • Nothing
  • Something that was expected to happen didn't
  • Resources are leaked
  • Corruption of state
  • Memory corruption
  • Corruption being exported into storage or the network
  • Delays
  • Infinite loops
  • Invariants no longer holding
  • Exposing private information

I don't want my code to be responsible for any of that.

How I test

I originally did it manually. The code looked something like this where FAIL is a macro taking the name of the location, the happy path, and the failure path. Testing would then set each name to fail, and execute the code.

PyObject *list;
FAIL("CompileList", list = PyList_New(0), list = PyErr_NoMemory());

That was very tedious, makes the code unreadable, and the various editors and other tools couldn't understand it, format it etc.

Statement expressions to the rescue with generated code, given a list of function names with this for PyList_New:

 1 #define PyList_New(...) \
 2 ({                                                                                                                                 \
 3     __auto_type _res_PyList_New = 0 ? PyList_New(__VA_ARGS__) : 0;                                                                 \
 4                                                                                                                                   \
 5     _res_PyList_New = (typeof (_res_PyList_New))APSW_FaultInjectControl("PyList_New", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #__VA_ARGS__); \
 6                                                                                                                                   \
 7     if ((typeof (_res_PyList_New))0x1FACADE == _res_PyList_New)                                                                    \
 8       _res_PyList_New = PyList_New(__VA_ARGS__);                                                                                  \
 9     else if ((typeof(_res_PyList_New))0x2FACADE == _res_PyList_New)                                                                \
10     {                                                                                                                              \
11         PyList_New(__VA_ARGS__);                                                                                                   \
12         _res_PyList_New = (typeof (_res_PyList_New))18;                                                                            \
13     }                                                                                                                              \
14     _res_PyList_New;                                                                                                               \
15 })
  • Line 3 sets up a variable to store the return value without knowing what the return type is
  • Line 5 calls APSW_FaultInjectControl giving the function name, filename, calling function name, line number, and stringized arguments. The combination of all those uniquely identifies a location even when there are multiple calls on the same line.
  • Line 7 looks for the 0x1FACADE return value to mean go ahead and call the function normally as seen on line 8.
  • Line 9 looks for the 0x2FACADE return value to mean go ahead and call the function, but pretend it returned 18. This is necessary for closing functions because I do want them to close. 18 is a valid SQLite error code.
  • Line 14 provides the final value which came from the call on line 5 unless that returned 0x1FACADE/ 0x2FACADE.

There is a little more to it, but this lets me cause all the various calls to fail in various ways and have all that error checking code I wrote actually run.

Yes it found bugs that static analysis can't because of all the calling between CPython, SQLite, and APSW. Python has an error indicator that does cause some internal routines to behave differently when it is set. For example they may short circuit and return immediately doing nothing, or they may clear the indicator hiding that an error happened. The main interpreter loop gets upset when the indicator is set and C code returns values as though there were no problems.

I feel better knowing all my code runs, handles errors correctly, and that the errors never get hidden. (And yes I am proud of my magic hex constants.)

Python type annotations

Python always let you rapidly develop code without having to be excruciating precise in details. Duck typing is wonderful. But there has been an increasing tension because there are more and more components to interact with, and there is greater version churn (see the start of this post!).

In the olden days you referred to a component's documentation and memorized what you used most frequently. That isn't practical any more. The question is "when do you want to know about problems in the code?" The answer is as soon as possible, as it gets more expensive (time, effort, and often money) the later you find out, with the worst case being once customers depend on it. Ideally you want to know as your finger rises from typing something.

Type annotations have let that happen, especially for simpler problems. There are annotations for all of APSW's C and Python code (except the shell which is on the todo list). I've found it quite difficult to express duck typing, and some concepts are impossible like the number of arguments to a callable depends on a parameter when some other function was called. But I appreciate the effort made by all the tools, and it does save me effort as I type.

You do however still get amusing error messages for correct code due to limitations of annotations and the tools. It is reminiscent of C++ template errors. I leave you with one example you should not read, deliberately left as one long line and a scrollbar. error: Argument 1 to "set_exec_trace" of "Cursor" has incompatible type "Callable[[Cursor, str, Union[Sequence[Union[None, int, float, bytes, str]], Dict[str, Union[None, int, float, bytes, str]]]], bool]"; expected "Optional[Callable[[Cursor, str, Union[Dict[str, Union[None, int, float, bytes, str]], Tuple[Union[None, int, float, bytes, str], ...], None]], bool]]"

Category: misc – Tags: apsw, python

APSW 3.37 is the last with Python 2 / early Python 3 support

This release of APSW (my Python wrapper for SQLite's C interface) is the last that will support Python 2, and earlier versions of Python 3 (before 3.7).

If you currently use APSW with Python 2/early Python 3, then you will want to pin the APSW version to 3.37. You will still be able to use this version of APSW with future versions of SQLite (supported till 2050). But new C level APIs won't be covered. The last C level API additions were 3.36 in June 2021 adding serialization and 3.37 in December 2021 adding autovacuum control

What does APSW support now ...

APSW supports every Python version 2.3 onwards (released 2003). It doesn't support earlier versions as there was no GIL API (needed for multi-threading support).

The downloads for the prebuilt Windows binary gives an idea of just how many Python versions that is (15). (Python 3.0 does actually work, but is missing a module used by the test suite.)

Many Python versions supported ...

Each release does involve building and testing all the combinations of 15 Python versions, 32 and 64 bit environment, and both UCS2 and UCS4 Unicode size for Python < 3.3, on multiple operating systems.

There are ~13k lines of C code making up APSW, with ~7k lines of Python code making up the test suite. It is that test suite that gives the confidence that all is working as intended.

... and why?

I wanted to make sure that APSW is the kind of module I would want to use. The most frustrating thing as a developer is that you want to change one thing (eg one library) and then find that forces you to change the versions of other components, or worse the runtime and dev tools (eg compiler).

I never made the guarantee, but it turned out to be:

You can change the APSW (and SQLite) versions, and nothing else. No other changes will be required and everything will continue to work, probably better.

This would apply to any project otherwise untouched since 2004!

There are two simple reasons:

  • Because I could - I do software development for a living, and not breaking things is a good idea (usually)
  • I would have to delete code that works

What happens next?

I am going to delete code that works, but it is mainly in blocks saying doing one thing for Python 2, another for early Python 3, and another for current Python 3.

My plan is to incrementally remove Python 2/early 3 code from the Python test suite and the C code base together, while updating documentation (only Python 3 types need to be mentioned). The test suite and coverage testing will hopefully catch any problems early.

I will be happy that the code base, testing, documentation, and tooling will all become smaller. That makes things less complex.

Other thoughts

The hardest part of porting APSW from Python 2 to 3 was the test suite which had to remain valid to both environments. For example it is easy to create invalid Unicode strings in Python 2 which I had to make sure the test suite checked.

It was about 10 times the amount of work making the Python test suite code changes, vs the C level API work. Python 3 wasn't that much different in terms of the C API (just some renaming and unification of int and long etc).

Category: misc – Tags: apsw, python

Exit Review: Python 2 (and some related thoughts)

Python 2 has come to an end. I ported the last of my personal scripts to Python 3 a few months ago.

Perhaps the greatest feature of Python 2 was that after the first few releases, it stayed stable. Code ran and worked. New releases didn't break anything. It was predictable. And existing Python 2 code won't break for a long time.

The end of Python 2 has led to the end of that stability, which isn't a bad thing. Python 3 is now competing across a broader ecosystem of languages and environments trying to improve developer and runtime efficiency. Great!

I did see a quote that Python is generally the second best solution to any problem. That is a good summary, and shows why Python is so useful when you need to solve many different problems. It is also my review of Python 2.

So let's have some musings ...

Python has had poor timing. The first Python release (1994) was when unicode was being developed, so the second major Python version (2000) had to bolt on unicode support. But if it had waited a few more years, then things could have been simpler by going straight to utf8 (see also PEP 0538).

Every language has been adding async with Python 3 (2008) increasing support with each minor release. However like most other languages, functions ended up coloured. This will end up solved, almost certainly by having the runtime automagically doing the right thing.

Python 3 made a big mistake with the 2to3 tool. It works exactly as described. But it had the unfortunate effect of maintainers keeping their code in Python 2, and using that to make releases that supported both Python 2 and 3. The counter-example is javascript where tools provide the most recent syntax and transpiling to support older versions. Hopefully future Python migration tools will follow the same pattern so that code can be maintained in the most recent release, and transpiled to support older versions. This should also be the case for using the C API.

The CPython C API is quite nice for a C based object API. Even the internal objects use it. It followed the standard pattern of the time with an object (structure) pointer and methods taking it as a parameter. There are also macros for "optimised access". But this style makes changing underlying implementation details difficult, as alternate Python interpeter implementations have found out. If for example a handle based API was used instead, then it would have been slower due to an indirection, but allow easier changing of implementation details.

Another mistake was not namespacing the third party package repository PyPI. Others have made the same mistake. For example when SourceForge was a thing, they did not use namespacing so the urls were - which then led to issues over who legitimately owned projectname. Github added namespaces so the urls are (user can also be an organization.) This means the same projectname can exist many times over. That makes forking really easy, and is perhaps one of the most important software freedoms.

Using NPM as an example, this is the only package that can be named database. It hasn't been updated in 6 years. On PyPI this is apsw and hasn't been updated in 5 years. (I am the apsw author updating it about quarterly but not the publisher on PyPI for reasons.) Go does use namespacing. A single namespace prevents forks (under the same name) and also makes name squatting very easy. Hopefully Python will figure out a nice solution.

Category: misc – Tags: exit review, python

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